The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) department 

includes three year groups:

Preschool 1, Preschool 2 and Reception.

Early Years Curriculum

The early years are the most formative years in a child’s life. Children explore the world around them, acquire skills for socializing, develop positive relationships and learn to communicate in a variety of situations.

In the Early Years Department at Isamilo International School, we believe that children need and have a right to a solid foundation on which all future learning can be based. We provide an environment in which children will thrive. The children in our Early Years department follow the ‘Development Matters in the Early Years and Foundation Stage’ framework.

This framework highlights 7 key areas of learning and development:

• Personal, Social and Emotional Development

• Communication and Language

• Physical Development

• Literacy

• Mathematics

• Understanding the World

• Expressive Arts and Design

In the EYFS, children learn through play.

Outside play is a part of the provision across the EYFS at Isamilo International School. We have a designated EYFS playground with equipment that encourages safe and challenging physical exploration.

Preschool 1

There is a strong emphasis on personal, social and emotional development as well as spoken language. Activities are planned to help with the transition from home to school. The children are encouraged to play, interact with and explore the setting as well as build connections with familiar adults and students.

Preschool 2

Children begin to have a more structured approach to learning. There are more Teacher- led, though, play based activities. Children continue learning how to count and recognize numbers confidently. Letter sounds are also introduced, using Jolly Phonics.


Is the final year of the Early Years Foundation Stage. It is the year where they prepare for the transition to Key Stage One. In Reception, learning is practical and engaging. Concepts from Development Matters are taught using a variety of teaching methods and resources. The children build on knowledge acquired in the previous years. They are taught how words are built using phonetic sounds, they learn non-phonetic words and practise reading and writing as part of Phase 2, Jolly Phonics.


Children enter Key Stage 1, following completion of Reception and begin in Year 1 before progressing on to Year 2 the following academic year. During their time in Years 1 and 2, our children build upon their strong foundations as learners and are encouraged to explore a wide range of topics. 

We believe that children learn best when they are excited and motivated in their learning, and we use a range of immersive, cross-curricular topics to achieve this. A year group will spend one half term (around six weeks) on a topic and learn a wide range of subjects such as math, English, science, history, art and PE, linked to their topic.

Topics covered in Key Stage 1 include:

• Superheroes

• The Secret Garden

• Dinosaur Planet

• Space Adventure

• Rio Carnival

• Paws, Claws and Whiskers


Key Stage 2 develops and expands on the knowledge and experiences that our children have already gained during their time in Early Years and Key Stage 1. We provide a caring, safe, and stimulating environment where your child is encouraged to become self-confident and a self-disciplined learner. In Key Stage 2, positive learning behaviors such as resiliency, independence, self-motivation and curiosity are taught, modelled and promoted to our pupils. This learning behaviors allow our children to take control of their learning and engage in the wide range of subjects on offer. Not only do our pupils have high-quality teaching in the core subjects, such as math, English, science and humanities, but they also experience weekly art and design, computing, music, PE, languages and swimming lessons.

We are proud of the fantastic progress that our children make throughout their time at Isamilo International School Mwanza and we thank you for taking the time to read a little bit more about what we do in the primary department.

Isamilo International School

Balewa Road P.O. Box 42 Mwanza Tanzania

Phone: +255788403788


Whatsapp: +255788403788

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